Use Acupuncture to help sport injury recovery, health wellbeing & fitness.
Thank you so much for helpign us get to where we are on our journey.
We really don’t think we would have got here without your expert help & advice.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
K. & C.
(and Bmp!)
I began seeing a Chinese doctor, who was amazing, she worked in harmony with my medicated fertility cycles and would advise certain practices, food and habits at different points of the month, such as moxibustion, kidney warming, eating lots of sweet potato and having been vegan and then vegetarian I even followed her instructions to have plenty of bowls of chicken soup, I would also not go anywhere without my feet snuggled in a big pair of warm woolly socks, for the Chinese believe that by keeping the feet warm aids circulation, especially to the uterus and I would happily embrace the 45 minutes I did nothing except lie in a peaceful room, listening to relaxing music whilst I had acupuncture. Clinical research has found that receiving acupuncture alongside IVF treatment can increase pregnancy rates by 65%* and although this was still my goal, over the months of regular visits to Dr Zou I had also started to find that the grief that I had been carrying deep inside my stomach since the death of my brother started to lift and with it I had started to experience a new optimism.
One of our patients, Mrs Hambley, wrote a wonderful article for the ‘Green Parent’ magazine on combining IVF with naturopathy and acupuncture for the best chances of pregnancy. It’s highly recommended for a good read. Life style, relationships, various types of treatments, diet, mind practice and many other elements need to be taken care of to make miracle true.
Full article here (external link)
Or you could download a pdf here.
6 sessions of acupuncture, my blood retest confirmed what I already knew, as I was feeling so much better. That I wouldn’t need to start taking lifelong medication for my thyroid as the test showed, it was now normal.
Thank you very much for your extremely professional treatment.
Acupuncture has been used time and again to help athletes to relieve pain. But acupuncture and the accessory modalities associated with it can do so much more. Using acupuncture treatments can actually enhance an athlete’s performance and recovery from any sports-related injuries.
When an athlete is in training, he or she is constantly pushing themselves to be better: a better speed, a higher jump, a further distance, etc. An athlete’s body is put through constant stress. Muscles are pushed to their maximum and sometimes tiny microscopic tears form. If the athlete were able to rest properly, these micro-tears would self-heal. But, when an athlete is in training, the micro-tears don’t have time to heal properly. So the body becomes continuously fatigued, sometimes painful and the probability of serious injury increases. Acupuncture helps the body to heal, restores healing levels of energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) and strengthens the body inside and out, thus accelerating the athlete’s recovery time.
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Published in ‘AS News – Spring 2016’.
After much thought and a little research, I decided to give acupuncture a chance. Wow what a difference it has made. I’m unsure of the total effect on pain relief but it has had an immense impact on my overall sense of body relaxation and physical and mental well being.
In Autumn 2015 after a little additional neck pain, my acupuncturist massaged my neck following my acupuncture session. She then explained she did also offer acupressure massage. After just three sessions I am wholly committed to this. The effect on my neck and shoulders has been amazing plus the overall whole body experience is really profound. A hour of acupressure massage, possibly alongside acupuncture, could be considered a useful contribution to AS therapeutic treatment options.
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- ~ Richard Bishop – Shrewsbury
"When I first arrived here the pain of staggering just 50 yards was almost unbearable. When I left, some 45 minutes later, I couldn't believe the transformation. "
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