Chinese medicine articles
BBC News, Saturday, 30 April, 2005
Scientists say they have proof that acupuncture works in its own right.
Sceptics have said that any benefits gained from acupuncture are merely down to a person’s expectation that the treatment will work.
But researchers at University College London and Southampton University say they have separated out this placebo effect.
Their findings, based on a series of experiments and brain scan results, are published in the journal NeuroImage. Read more »
BBC Press Release 21/01/2006
An experiment conducted in the BBC Television series Alternative Medicine: The Evidence (BBC TWO, 9.00pm, Tuesday 24 January 2006) – presented by scientist Professor Kathy Sykes from Bristol University – shows acupuncture has a powerful and measurable effect on the human brain.
The effect is surprising, because scientists have previously predicted that parts of the cortex would be activated during acupuncture. Read more »
BBC News, Tuesday, 16 April, 2002
Women undergoing fertility treatment could have their chances of success boosted by acupuncture.
German researchers said they have increased success rates by almost 50% in women having in vitro fertilisation (IVF).
The theory is that acupuncture can affect the autonomic nervous system, which is involved in the control of muscles and glands, and could therefore make the lining of the uterus more receptive to receiving an embryo.
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BBC News, Friday, 18 March, 2005
Acupuncture is effective at relieving pelvic pain during pregnancy, a study says.
Pelvic girdle pain is common among pregnant women with one in three affected suffering severe pain. Researchers found acupuncture was better at easing the pain than standard and specialised exercising.
The team from Gothenburg’s Institute for the Health of Women and Children said the medical profession should be more open to using acupuncture. Read more »

infertility acupuncture
Infertility is when a couple fails to conceive (get pregnant) despite having regular unprotected sex. Although one in seven couples has difficulty conceiving, the number of couples who are actually infertile is relatively low. Read more »
How does it work?

acupuncture face lifting
In Chinese Medicine view, a person’s face is affected selectively by his or her internal organs. Facial features reflect organic strengths. As internal organs are fine-tuned by acupuncture, one’s face reflects the improvement. Beside addressing problems holistically, the acupuncturist will also apply treatment locally, inserting ultra-fine needles into–and around–specific wrinkles, acu-points or muscle points, depending on the technique employed.
The stimulation brings blood rushing to the face, which makes it look flushed. Apparently, after a few sessions, eyes brighten, skin feels firmer, lips become plumper and blemishes vanish.
Today, Facial acupuncture is the Hollywood star’s shortcut to younger looking skin. Precious Williams tries it. Please view this article from Telegraph on more information: view document »
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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back to before the 21st century BC. With over thousands of years of practice and development, Chinese medicine possesses a unique and integrated theory. It is a complete medicine system. More and more research of modern medicine proves that Chinese medicine has distinctive effects on most forms of ill heath.
There are many side effects caused by taking antibiotics, steroids, painkillers and other synthetic chemical drugs for long period or at high dosage. Today, people are looking for an alternative way to get fit and healthy. More and more people in Western countries use and prefer Chinese medicine. It is estimated that a quarter of the world’s population currently use Chinese medicine all around the world. In the United Kingdom, Chinese medicine has become the most popular complementary medicine. Almost half the population, 47% of those surveyed, have used or would consider the use of complementary medicine. According to the recent news on TV and radio, the NHS is now considering using Chinese medicine to help some problems: pain, Asthma, Eczema, etc. and to reduce the waiting list due to the shortage of doctors.
The Theory
The fundamental principle of Chinese medicine is that the human body is considered as a whole system.
Yin & Yang
The balance of Yin –Yang (life forces) in a human body is the basic condition of human health, and thus the imbalance of Yin and Yang by any means will result in ill health. The purpose of Chinese medicine treatments is to analyse all symptoms and experiences of patients while taking into account age, sex, life style, physical and emotional traits and as well as other aspects of an individual. An overall picture of the patient is then set up. The medical treatment is to re-balance Yin and Yang in human body rather than to just treat symptoms.
The medical materials of Chinese medicine are natural plants and minerals. Compared to chemical synthetic drugs, Chinese medicine is safer and has fewer side effects.
Today, a well-trained practitioner not only uses the traditional way of diagnosis, but is also able to use other approaches integrated with conventional western medicine.
Chinese medicine has three basic forms of treatment – Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Therapy and Acupressure. Chinese medicine treats both acute and chronic conditions, and is suitable for all age groups from young babies to the elderly and even pregnant women.

Chinese reflexology is the massaging of areas on the feet that correspond to the organs of the body. By applying pressure to these areas it is possible to regulate the function of the organs, clear toxins from the body and prevent illnesses from developing
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